FSX Adventure – “Find the Lady” Adventure in Guatemala
FSX Adventure – “Find the Lady” Adventure in Guatemala. Last night you had dinner with Ivana Ifrosky, the Russian woman aviator, flying America in her Helio in the Rizzo Hotel in Puerto Barrios, the NorthEstern Port of Guatemala. This morning you waved good-by to the beautiful lady as she took off for Coban. You are now flying the same route, in your bush plane, taking some dried fish, two barrels of corn oil and some dog feed. Only half an hour after take off you receive the horrible news that Ivana has been overdue in her landing ETA to Coban. Two helicopters are already searching the area. She was heard making a Mayday several hours ago. You call the SAR authorities in Bananera and since you have full tanks they accept your offer to search the route………..and relay to you to search around your flight route. You are free to fly parallel to the flight plan 10 to 20 miles off the sides of the plan until you arrive in Coban……….You now concentrate on searching for the lost woman…If you find her you are authorized to land and pick her up. FSAdventureSky Gera Godoy C . 176K