FS2004 German AirForce Tornado Package
FS2004 German AirForce Tornado Package This package includes 26 liveries of German AirForce Tornados. Most of the paintings are Tigermeet- or special liveries. Ag51 43+46 Tigermeet, AG51 43+96 Tigermeet, AG51 43+96 Tigermeet04, AG51 44+65, AG51 44+65 Tigermeet, AG51 45+93 Tigermeet, GAF 44+38 Holloman, JaboG31 43+92 “1.000.000 Flying Hours”, JaboG31 44+21 “BlackThunder”, JaboG31 44+31 “BlueLightning”, JaboG31 45+79 “MilkyWay”, JaboG32 46+31 Flyingmonsters, JaboG32 46+42 Flyingmonsters, JaboG32 46+44 321Tigers, JaboG32 46+45 321Tigers, JaboG32 46+48 321Tigers, JaboG32 46+54 321Tigers, JaboG32 46+46 “30 Years Tornado”, JaboG33 43+70 special colors, JaboG34 44+56, JaboG38 44+08 special colors, JaboG38 44+37 special colors, MFG1 43+61, MFG2 45+30 special colors, MFG2 46+20 special colors. I packed all my previous repaints together with alot of new paints. Original by DSB-Design, repaints by Sebastian Hecker. 32.7MB