BB58 AP Fuel Engines & misc
For use in the Saitek FIP specifically for the FSX B58. It is an update of the BB58 gauge in the package and my package. Using this new package will require having downloaded these previous ones. This package radically re-works the original BB58 gauge. It contains a working auto pilot and fuel gauges similar to the BB58s. The AP gauge functions across two xml files, one primarily to control ALT and VS, the other for HDG with a range of misc features including AP NAV and APR modes. Other features include Nav1 and Nav2 audio buttons which include a small green light when a glideslope frequency is detected. Both LARGEg1 and g2 from have been modified to maximise the screen space of the FIP. The g1 gauge has also been modified by inclusion of a rudimentary glideslope indicator to aid in manual approach well before approach lights are visible. The above AP gauge enables auto flight down a glideslope using Nav1 frequency. The above gauges are designed for three FIPs stacked vertically to provide a layout roughly similar to the BB58 cockpit. The 5gaugeDisplay-2eng.xml gauge was included in the original package to cater for one FIP displaying all engine data. This package provides an updated version B containing the glideslope indicator.