Voyageurs National Park Flight Plan v1.0
I host a live stream every week where we explore the National Parks together!
Before the stream, I research the park and help improve the park’s Wikipedia pages. I also make a flight plan to showcase the park highlights and in case others want to fly along with me.
In the zip file you’ll find:
The .pln file (load this from the World Map screen of MSFS 2020)
A screen shot of where this flight plan goes relative to the park map
A MBTiles file in case you have Foreflight or another app which supports these (this is how I overlay the flight plan and the park map when I fly around)
I hope you enjoy exploring the park as much as I enjoyed researching it!
All the best,
Jules Altis
P.s. I highly recommend pulling Wikipedia up on the side and looking at the park map while you explore.