Reggiane 2002/Ariete
The Reggiane Re.2002 Ariete was a best Italian “Assaltatore” (assault plane) developed during World War II. The aircraft was a development of the Re.2000 and was mainly used by the Regia Aeronautica (Italian Air Force) and Aeronautica Cobelligerante (Allied – post armistice – Italian Air Force), but it also saw limited use with the German Luftwaffe. Original FS98 design: Bertil Nilsson \ Andrei Kobakhidze (2000) First IS4G (I Soliti Quattro Gatti) repaint: TJD, November 2000 New bmp textures of 239ª Squadriglia Regia Aeronautica, reworked non textured parts, guns profile (2×12.7mm + 2×7.7mm + bomb release), modified Radio Navigation panel: Edmundo Abad, 2010.