FS2000 F-51D Tigers (Korean Conflict 50-53)
FS2000 F-51D Tigers (Korean Conflict 50-53) History: This F-51D was flew by lt. Glessner and Maj. “Moon Mullins” in Korean conflict (1950-53) got a Yak-7 each one This airplane belong to 12TH FBS (Fighter bomber squad) based in Taegu air field (South Korea) 1st day of november 1950 a F-51 of 12TH FBS was attacked by Mig 15 crossed the Yalu River. Original FSC Design: Mike Crosthwaite Textures and animation: Carlos Garcia G. G.. Flight Dynamics: Original F-51D (Microsoft CFS1) Mods. Air file: Carlos Garcia. 1.1MB