FS2000 Scenery: airport(LFEA) and island of “Belle Ile” France
FS2000 Scenery: airport(LFEA) and island of “Belle Ile” FranceThis scenery is the complete version of the project “Belle Ile en mer” which covers the island in integrality. whith ” Le Palais, Sauzon, Loc Maria, all beaches and beauty spots, lighthouses, hotels…”. Belle Ile en mer is ” la plus belle ile vue du ciel ” logo from aero club de Belle Ile. A small fairly Airport located in “Belle Ile en Mer” island near Quiberon “Morbihan” Bretagne, France. It is a realistic scene made from grounds and aerials photographics pictures (june 2001). By Serge Favraud. 3.2MB