Las Americas Jose Fco. Pena Gomez Intl. vers. 1.0 for FS2000
Las Americas Jose Fco. Pena Gomez Intl. vers. 1.0 for FS2000 Santo Domingo Dominican Republic By Ricardo G. Morillo Hello From Santo Domingo Dom. Rep. The land of Sammy Sosa & Pedro Martinez To my first version of Las Americas Airport one of the most important and biggest airports in the caribbean.Brief History——————This Airport was a Military Air-Base during the government of the dictator Trujillo, the real Santo Domingo Airport was in the center of the city and by the late 1960’s closed and the Las Americas Intl. was opened and inagurated by the President Joaquin Balaguer. The arquitecture of the airport was mostly a copy of JFK airport in NY. 2.6MB -= see patch below