FS2004 Boeing B-29B Superfortress Base pack
FS2004 Boeing B-29B Superfortress Base pack. The Boeing B-29 Superfortress was very close to every aviation engineers dream back in the late thirties and early forties of the 20th century. She was designed to fly higher, farther, faster, safer for their crews and with more damaging payload than any other plane before in the history of mankind. And she did those tasks well. Visual model by Tom Kohler based on previous freeware source from various designers – huge credits included! Accurate, ‘hand flyer’ Flight Model by Tom Kohler, built using Flight Model Workbook version 2.84.40 from mudpond.us and based on the 1% B-29A flight model from Gregory Pierson from avhistory.org. An Installation ‘Wizard’ will help you install the Multi-resolution GMAX model, including clickable virtual flight deck – NEW with flight engineer compartment, fully animated. Reflective textures with dynamic shine also in the VC, gauges from Microsoft CFS2, backlighted VC gauges, custom effects, HTML Checklists and Documentation. Sound package originally from Skysong Soundworks (b24snz.zip by Aaron R. Swindle). By Tom ‘Gnoopey’ Kohler, Graham of VB planes, Christophe Rosenmann, Gregory Pierson & Jerry ‘Sparks’ Beckwith (base flight model and tools), Kirk Longendyke (2D panel bitmaps), Troy Corwin (textures), Hermann ‘Krazy’ Boltz (3D effects) and finally ‘Sir’ Milton Shupe himself (tutoring and custom radial engine startup effects). 28.3MB. Filename: B29B_910.zi