This set of gauges is for use in the Saitek FIP and has been developed specifically for the Baron 58 and variants but should work with other twin prop aircraft. There are 3 options- option 1. a pair of gauges for displaying on 2 FIPs (layout is similar to the fsx BB58 layout) option 2. One gauge for displaying only on 1 FIP (left and right eng needle on each of the 5 main instruments ) option 3. a pair of gauges for displaying on 2 FIPs with larger diameter gauges and more user interaction than in 1. above. 1,2, & 3 all have the 5 main engine instrumentation ( RPM, Manifild Pressure, Fuel Flow rate, Oil Temp and Pressure, CHT/EGT Temp.) Additional features are added .e.g Marker Beacon indicators plus indicator of left / right fuel tank selected for each engine, NAV 1 & NAV 2 with DME data. Option 1 & 3 also has fuel pump switches, alternator switches, starter buttons, cowl flaps and Amps (total load) gauge, and Battery volts gauge. Option 3 also has additional avionics data and avionics and battery switch buttons. All this enables the aircraft to be started from cold and shut down to cold. The avionics data is useful if you only have one Saitek radio panel. i.e. dont have to keep clicking / rotating switches all the time. This option also gives user ability to alter NAV 1 standby frequency and swap to active. With the 2 gauges in option 3 above plus my earlier FIP gauge containing a working Auto pilot and fuel levels / flaps and landing gear indicators (refer “Saitek FIP-AP Multi Fuel Gauges”) there is everything required ( not the primary flight display instruments) for flying a single or twin prop aircraft displayed across either 2 or 3 FIPs.