F117 – Night Hawk (Stealth Bomber) Aircraft
We are proud to bring you this icon of the skies to add to your squadron. Key features include:
Working dashboards! We are most proud to bring some working internals. We have some of the key dashboards working allowing you to fly inside the cockpit with some telemetry data. Switches and other features will be coming in future there are just some key issues to resolve in getting them to work
Animated ailerons
Animated landing gear
Semi animated Ruddervator (elevator and rudder are combined in this V-Tail aircraft). This was a challange as MSFS caters for elevators and rudders separately in the SDK. Right now it triggers the animation with the elevator but as soon as we figure out how to blend both together we will update it.
How to install:
Extract to the game’s “Community” folder. Ensure your extracted folder doesn’t have another folder (move it up if it does)
And look for the aircraft in Aircraft Selection screen after a restart.