RDJ International space station MSFS mod v1.0
Yeah.. this is just a test around .. MSFS has not yet evolved into what FSX did .. but MSFS looks great .. so why not mess around in it .. At first on their release I think I remember using the (slew) key to go way up! to like 700 thousand feet?.. and the World below became distorted and phsyco looking.. I remember it all turned into a ball of pulsing light..can only go up to 275 thousand feet now.. Anyway this is a (test) After messing around with (Sim.cfg’s) – they did not work.. That is what I use in FSX for (Fly to moon ect) So in this I use regular Aircraft.cfg’s and air files.. I guess the trick was setting the weight of the aircraft to – 1000 lbs.. An MSFS update I guess only let’s you go up to 275 thousand feet.. So that is where this is.. You can kind of float around and look around the ISS model.. I limited the aileron power to simulate space X Y and Z .. I do not think this moves forward at 20 thousand MPH like ISS .. It just sort of floats around (up there) .. So to move around Earth use slew key (Y) .. the WASD is up to you.. Press Y again to release.. over another part of Earth.. As updates happen .. things will be updated…This is a great MSFS… so far!
bro, just why?