Berkeley River Lodge Airstrip v0.3
Be polite – this is my first try in scenery creation. I created an airstrip in the Australian Western Territories in the Kimberley region. It is a private strip for the Berkeley River Lodge, a luxury refuge at the remote coast. I came upon this strip when I was studying about the mishap of a german pilot who got lost in this very area in 1933: Hans Bertram and his technician Klausmann were flying with their Junkers W-33 called „Atlantis“ from Indonesia to Australia when they lost orientation over water and landed near the Berkeley river mound. They went missing for eight weeks in the wilderness, until they were rescued. Hans Bertram later wrote a book about this adventure (“Flug in die Hölle”, “Flight to Hell”), and in the 80s there was a TV documentary about the mission.
There is no ATC, no fuel, no lighting – as in real life. If someone wants to join me in enhancing this strip: you are very welcome! The whole project is under Public Domain. The windsock is artificial – as is the ICAO Code.
Things to do:
– insert 3d modell of main Lodge building
– exchange white cones at runway edge with white half oil barrels
GPS Coordinates: -14.337540, 127.772825