Christchurch Airport Enhancement v1.0
This enhanced airport takes what Microsoft has provided ‘out of the box’ and adds additional features and modifications.
This includes:
New runways, taxiways, ramp parking/Gates, ground marking and clean-up of Jetways
Lots of ramp clutter and detail
Several custom-made items (Novotel, Tower and Antarctic hangar, A320’s in maintenance)
‘New’ Cargo ramp and buildings added (its been there some years but was not on Bings imagery so not included by default)
Airport flatten added
Aeroclub tidy-up, new runway, taxiways, lots of scenery items added
Night lighting across airport
Plus a whole lot more to discover.
Various improvements are planned in the coming period that will include additional custom models and improvements to the airport layout. These include but are not limited to the following:
• Aeroclub Hangar and area
No time frame has been set for any further improvements.
Airport modifications by Jon Murchison
Novotel, Antarctic Hangar and NZCH Tower modelled and textured by James Eden.
Source photos provided by Stacey and Ben.
Hi there! If someone could start an NZWB (Woodbourne Airport or Marlborough Region) for MSFS2020 that would be incredible.