CYHY_Hay River Airport, Northwest Territories, Canada v1.0
CYHY-Hay River Airport, Northwest Territories, Canada
Hay River Flows into the Great Slave Lake, and just here, you’ll find the airport, a gateway to the wast Canadian Wildernes and Your Arctic adventure. The Airport has heavy Cargo and Charter traffic in the region, where most transport is made by air, it is open 24-7 and is equipped with a VOR to support your navigation, so Welcome to Hay River.
This scenery is created with MSFS SDK and the DeLuxe version, fully updated with latest Regionpacks plus the Addon Libraries stated in the enclose documentation. Pls see the READ_ME file.
Thanks to the Devellopers, Dave,totof,Wombii and MrMo making there Great libraries avail. to our community.
Just unzip and put the jp-hay-river and the addon folders into your MSFS Community folder. Remeber to download Jean-Pierres Aircrafts from his own Website.
I Hope You will Enjoy Your flight to Hay River
GPS Coordinates: 60.8385487,-115.7854181