EGFF – Cardiff Airport – Upgrade v1.0
Cardiff is a place in Wales where people live and do stuff. And they fly to and from here which I think is very sensible.
The last time I was at this airport was a pointless day trip getting the train up from there and flying back from RAF Valley in Angelsey which I highly recommend for fans of obscure aviation. That costs £20. The Welsh government pays the other £160. Thanks, Welsh government. You even get free mid flight refreshments like the old days.
I did not approve of Anglesey’s security which was more anal than a TSA ex marine at Miami happening across a traveller wearing a suicide vest and gargling napalm. Since the greatest danger on the flight is a minor Senedd official on a jolly having one more mini can of Coke than they’re really supposed to I’m not sure what’s going on there.
All the textures have been binned and replaced. Many a building has had a more appropriate replacement. Car parks, outlying areas like the fire training, GA section, British Airways Maintenance and more have been filled out. Light has also been liberally applied.
Some static aircraft have been added and the odd custom item, but nothing all that noticeable though it seems to have added up mysteriously. I think this could definitely use the autogen terminal being disposed of and replaced so I’ll look into that, ain’t promising anything though.
I haven’t replaced the taxi system yet but that’s next on the list as I assume people will want to fly from the general aviation bit south of the runway, and I doubt British Airways are best pleased to wake up and find 30 Cessnas smacking into each other on their nice apron.
Both my arse and my computer started to die so there are few things left that are slightly unfinished such as ground markings, painted lines and the odd detail elsewhere with the roads and car parks but this is 96% done and the other 4% can wait until both of them are a tad more perky in a short while.
For some reason certain original painted elements refused to be deleted so it may look messy here and there or it might be magically gone for you.
This also had to be flattened big time since for some reason as soon as you wipe the original airport the land turns to mush. This is intensely irritating since it started off flat. If you have any terrain glitches let me know.
GPS Coordinates: 51.399575, -3.339885