Kopaida airports v1.0
Kopaida airports by Vassilios Dimoulas January 2021
This is my first effort in MSFS. I have made these sceneries for FSX 10 years ago. They represent two fields in Kopaida plains 45 miles north west of Athens.
Ikaros Airport is a private field, no longer operationl, hopefully to operate again under new management soon. It has a 2500ft asphalt runway with 09-27 heading, a small FBO/tower and apron. It does not exist by default in MSFS. The scenery gives it an imaginary ICAO of LGZZ.
Kopaida-Dimitra is a grass field 1.5miles north of Ikaros. It has a 2000ft grass runway as well as a hangar an FBO/tower and space for RVs. It is hosting a free fall club, although different than the one depicted in the scenery which was active there 10 years ago but not now.
A small model aircraft field exists just 1km to the east edge of the Ikaros runway. It has a 350ft long runway, so a good challenge for STOL practice.
I have just converted the FSX sceneries and all my old objects to take advantage of the MSFS rendering capabilities and have not updated the locations at their current status. What you see is the situation 10 years ago.
Installation: Just copy the vd-lgzz and vdi-lgak folders in the Community folder. You can find the fields as LGZZ and LGAK.
A special thanks to Vitus for the fantastic Blender MSFS addon.
The scenery is freeware.
GPS Coordinates: 38.455599, 23.136939