KSYN – Stanton Airfield – Stanton, MN v1.0
KSYN – Stanton Airfield
Stanton Airfield is a general aviation airfield outside the city of Stanton, Minnesota. It has a rich history as it was first opened to train aviators for WWII and has conintued to train pilots ever since (not military of course). Due to the rich history it now resides on the National Register of Historic Places.
The airfield has held close to it’s roots. It still consists of intersecting turf runways (18/36, 9/27) and a lmited number of hangars. It also has flight training and glider training as well. Gliders make up a fairly substantial amount of traffic to this airport from what I can make out. My personal experience with this airport is limited however as I’ve driven by it a handful of times in my life but would love to see it more!
This scenery was made with the Stearman in mind due to my understanding that there is one based on the field. It makes good sense since the field was started for WWII and the Stearman was integral to US pilot training at that time.
Copy and paste into the Community folder
The scenery was made with mostly generic objects.
Night lighting is minimal as the runways are not lighted (no rotating beacon either) and thus this airport is primarily a day time VFR airport.
Gliders and yellow cones are colinj objects and credit goes to the author for those objects.
Thanks for flying MN airports!
GPS Coordinates: 44.47336193695557, -93.01537082304031