Mauritania – Rosso airstrip v1.0
Rosso is the major city of south-western Mauritania and capital of Trarza region. It is situated on the Senegal River at the head of the river zone allowing year-round navigation. The town is 204 km south of the capital Nouakchott. The Arabic name is Al-Quwarib.
Be carefull, it is pretty hard to see the runway because of sand color.
Known limitations:
Even if I released several sceneries, I still consider myself as a beginner so the scene is not very realistic, and I only use available models (no custom building yet…)
I don’t know the place by myself, and only use web available pictures (not that much are available actually…).
It adds a dusty strip, a parking, a windsock and a few objects to bring life. The vegetation around the strip has also been improved.
Uncompress archive and drop the content in your community folder.
Coordinates: 16.545840,-15.794070