Point Roberts Airpark – [1RL] v0.1
Point Roberts Airpark is a single-grass-runway airport located in the town of Point Roberts, Washington. The airport, along with the marina, provide the only access to the rest of Washington state without first having to pass through British Columbia.
There is a marina to the east of this airpark that had at least 250 boats in it. After careful thought I’ve decided against putting that many objects in for sake of sanity and fps. I’ve instead converted it into a functional seaplane base with a water runway and 2 parking locations in the water next to the dock.
Please keep in mind this scenery uses high definition aerial imagery so its a bit of a larger file at 280mb for such a small airport. It does look fantastic though. As a side effect of the high resolution images it seems like the building generation in the area is much better or just having the ground match up with the default makes a huge difference.
HD aerial textures added to airfields surrounding area
Seaplane base added with runway and dock parking to the east.(Water runway shows NE NW takeoff. Not sure if its a bug?)
Marina removed
Vegetation cleaned up in area
Runway lighting corrected
Misc lighting added
Buildings and hangars added
Water bodies and shores touched up
8 additional ramp parking spots added
Fully functional taxiway on grass field(water taxi coming soon)