Toussus-Le-Noble VFR reporting points and some minor improvments for pilots (LFPN) v0.1
In the meantime of someone release a real addon for the airport Toussus-Le-Noble, this mod proposes small improvement for real VFR pilots or those who fly as-real-as-it-gets :
Trees removal around SIERRA reporting point to make the forest aisle visible, heading to the famous farm with red roof.
New power towers (pylons of high voltage) at SIERRA reporting point.
New red and white check landmark on base leg 25 to visualize inner and outer base.
New red and white check landmark “clocheton avec damier rouge et blanc” on downwind leg (also HOTEL VFR reporting point for helicopters).
New few objects in Centre d’Etude Nucléaire de Saclay (towers, antennas) to make it more dense.
Pay attention that this small mod doesn’t include any improvment for the airport itself. Yet.
GPS Coordinates: 48.74889121950003, 2.109628011322401