Piper PA28R Arrow III (JustFlight) – Clean Blue Interior v2.5
This category is for the Third Party Aircraft PA-28R Arrow III by Just Flight. You can purchase this plane from https://www.justflight.com/product/pa-28r-arrow-iii-microsoft-flight-simulator
JustFlight PA28R Arrow III Blue Clean Interior
Like before with the red, beige and grey interiors, I created a blue clean interior as well. However this time I wasn’t alone and had much help from ANN0V who came up with the idea and started the process with the first textures and also chose the colour. Thanks again!
Just drop into your Community folder
This is on the same state of development as all my other interiors so it’s also version 2.5
As with the others it comes with a choice of tablet colours. In the standard package I have changed the tablet to black.
However, if you prefer the white tablet you can reinstall it:
– Look for the folder “tablet”. In it you will find one folder called “black” and one folder called “white”.
– Each of those folders contains a file called: “EFB_ALBEDO.PNG.DDS”
– copy the file with the desired colour into “Community/justflight-aircraft-pa28-arrow-iii_beigeinterior/SimObjects/Airplanes/JF_PA28_Arrow/TEXTURE.VC” and restart MSFS
Do not rename the folder. I had some problems when I renamed the “justflight-aircraft-pa28_arrow_iii” folder and also found that this folder always has to come AFTER the original aircraft folder in order for it to work
Have fun
Best wishes
Archer374 & ANN0V