747-8 BCF Ghost Plane (Lease Model) v1.0
As requested, BCF version of a 747-8i Ghost Plane (Lease)
If you ever need to lease a 747-8 BCF, then just change registration, callsign, flight number to whatever you like.
These 747 with plain white paint appear from time to time in between paint jobs or as a temporary lease.
I thought it would look more authentic by adding the main deck side door, but unfortunately due to the way Asobo designed it, it ends up being mirrored so the side door is on the right as well, hopefully your not OCD and at least it is not as bad as having backwards script to worry about.
Since the windows share one texture map, it also affects the upper deck, which obviously does keep some windows on BCF since it is a cabin for passengers / load masters / relief crew etc. So I am not able to keep windows on upper deck vs lower deck.