AIRPAC1-GBR3 Livery Pack 1 v1.0
This is a Multi Pack, currently consisting of two Liveries for the UPCOMING GeeBee R3 Special.
As this aircraft is modeled after a well known Radio Control Aircraft, both Liveries FIREBALL and SEVEN are ficticious, although SEVEN is a close resemblance to the two real life versions of the Famous GeeBee Racers and it has replicated decals as such.
To install simple place the AIRPAC_gf-GBR3_PACK_1_v1 folder in your Community Folder, or if you are using an Addon Manager, were ever you keep it.
WARNING: It will not function until the actual aircraft is installed on your system and could cause problems…
Thank you JONX for a great Aircraft, GotGravel for an AWESOME Flight Model, 270inc for some Superb Texturing and Liveries, and for helping with the Package and use of files; and the whole team of testers that have made this aircraft the Very Best it can be!