Cessna 152 Sevenair Academy v1.0
‘Sevenair Academy is the main aviation academy in Portugal and one of the largest in Europe offering both EASA ATO (Approved Training Organization) and EASA Part 147 courses.
Sevenair Academy’s main mission is to develop professional pilots and technical teams with skills, confidence and certification. Their quality educators possess high standards of safety and effective aviation training. On a learn-by-doing basis they want to expand our students’ professional horizons and leave them ready to compete for an airline career.’
I lifted that from their website… it wasnt a sales pitch: I hope you don’t mind. However, if you are lucky enough to live in Portugal, and have the moneys to learn to fly with Sevenair, why not take that experience to the slopes of America or the foothills of the outback in Flight Simulator… it will certainly give you something to tell your instructors
Shout goes to ‘TheTemplar’ for requesting this… I figured it would be a relaxing livery to do before I remembered the panel map for the 152 is just, quite frankly, spiteful.
As with all drag and drop liveries, unzip the file and drag the contents into your community folder.