Cessna C170B CameraFix v1.1
Does the view in the 170 seem odd? Do you feel like your staring at your feet?
That was the case for me, after looking in the configs I saw they used 16+° of down angle for the default view.
Luckily the camera.cfg is not hidden so I modified it to set the view straight ahead (v1.1 adds back 3°) like the default planes.
I thought I would share for those that do not like having the slight downward view they use.
This mod Requires the Carenado C170B from the Marketplace and will reset both variants.
There is only one file for each variant, so it can be easily edited if you care to.
Both of my edits are ‘commented’ so the default values are still in the file right above the edit.
Install: extract/copy the “aircraftmod-c170-camerafix” folder into your Community folder.