Cheat Island Fly-in. West Virginia (PZ52) v1.0
The Cheat Island fly-in is a popular location on the Cheat river in W. Virginia.
The scenery pack replicates the location and scenery and provides a nice bush strip in a beautiful part of the country. A fictious ICAO of PZ52 is used.
The main grass strip is 1700′ and the main approach is from the SE across the Cheat river. An overflow strip and parking is also positioned just south of the main island.
Libraries used include the Dave’s collection and my own pbk-effects library shown in the dependencies.
The main collection of aircraft on the ground are the X-Cubs from the Bush League Legends website and GotGravel so please sure you have them loaded.
v1.0 1st release
GPS Coordinates: 39.324536222702626, -79.65914695808699