Flight Tracker StreamDeck plugin v0.15
This is a plugin for Elgato Stream Deck that provides you with buttons to interface with Microsoft Flight Simulator via SimConnect. There are some preset buttons allowing you to simply drag & drop and choose the required function. There are also generic buttons and gauges allowing you to access a wide selection of SimConnect variables and events.
The buttons from this plugin have several benefits comparing to buttons with key bindings:
The buttons do not emulate keypress, so you don’t have to worry about matching keyboard binding in-game. You don’t have to worry about other software happen to mistakenly take those keys in either.
The buttons interact with the sim directly via SimConnect, so the sim does not have to be in focus. You can be reading chart (or any other software), and all buttons will still works.
It can show a lot of information from the sim.
The buttons can perform some more “advanced” interactions than normal Stream Deck buttons. For examples.
Holding COM/NAV button shows you a numpad to enter frequency (not available on Stream Deck Mini due to limited buttons).
Holding HDG button sync current heading.
Tapping +/- button increase/decrease 1 unit while holding does so at 10 units.
Basic installation
1. Download latest version and unzip
If you download from https://github.com/nguyenquyhy/Flight-Tracker-StreamDeck/releases, you can skip the unzipping step.
2. Double click the file tech.flighttracker.streamdeck.streamDeckPlugin to install
If you manually created the folder tech.flighttracker.streamdeck.sdPlugin previously in %appdata%\Elgato\StreamDeck\Plugins, you will see an error saying “This custom action is already installed.” In this case you will need to manually remove that folder before trying again.
3. Accept the prompt to install the plugin and the profiles. The profile is a special numpad, allowing you to enter COM/NAV frequency and transponder code.
4. You should now see Flight Tracker group in your list of buttons.