No MS Junkers JU-52 AI Traffic v1.0
JU-52 No AI Traffic Mod
Tired of seeing Junkers everywhere? If so, I have a fix for you
A quick little mod I made after seeing reports of this immersion breaking effect
I usually fly small strips so had not really noticed this aircraft, for me it was mostly the 103 Solo (which i also made a mod for)
It took only minutes loading into a large airport to see the problem though, maybe this will help some folks with it
* Requires the MS Junkers JU-52 from the in game Marketplace
This mod simply changes the aircraft.cfg flag to stop the aircraft from being used as AI Traffic.
It applies to all the liveries installed by the aircraft package, it will not apply to Community folder addon liveries
addon liveries would need to be edited separately by either the Dev or yourself, its folder specific so i have no way of creating these
i would take recomendations for other aircraft if you have one that is particularly bothersome, just leave a suggestion in the comments, Thank You
install: extract/copy the “JU-52-NoAItraffic” folder into your Community folder.