Zlin Aircraft ASI in Knots v1.0
I know. The Airspeed Indicators in the real Zlin aircraft display in kilometers per hours. I have lots of fun flying these taildraggers, but I just can’t get used to those numbers… unless you like to have the illusion of trekking along at almost twice the actual speed. So if you like to fly around in knots, like me, then you might want to try trading in your stock indicators.
This package contains the mods for the Zlin Aviation Savage Cub and the Shock Ultra. Under each folder, you’ll find the modified airspeed indicator (ASI), a single .DDS file, located in the “Mod (knots)” folder. This mod simply replaces the markings in the ASI texture file; i.e., a cosmetic-only change. No alteration of the ASI needle position or movement is needed.