SCPC PUCON – Embarcadero La Poza – Chile Lake Villarrica and Volcano v1.0
Embarcadero la Poza – Pucon
You can take off from the pucon aerodrome (SCPC) to West
Installation: Download, unzip and install all files that come in the .zip file in the MSFS2020 Community folder
Pucon city
It is located in the Province of Cautín, Araucanía Region, 100 km to the southeast of Temuco and 780 km to the south of Santiago. It is on the eastern shore of Lake Villarrica, and Villarrica volcano is located roughly 17 km to the south. Pucón’s location by a lake and volcano, along with its relatively stable climate, especially in summer, make it a popular destination for tourists. It offers a variety of sports and activities for tourists, including water