St Kilda v1.0
This is a simple little mod that removes the trees and most of the autogenerated buildings from the island of St Kilda in the Scottish outer Hebrides. In real life
St Kilda does have some modern buildings on it as there is a British Ministry of Defense radar station there as well as a research base, so I’ve left a few of the auto gen
buildings as they’re actually reasonably accurate. Its a very barren island though and treeless so all the trees weren’t very realitic.
I’m releasing this ahaead of the upcoming UK sim update as St Kilda is a great place to fly out to from Benbecula in the Outer Hebrides or if you prefer a longer flight you can
set off from the Isle of Skye.
Flying out there gives you a real sense of how remote it is.
GPS Coordinates: 57.8192901,-8.6041853