Gees – In game landing analysis v0.1.0
In-game landing analysis for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.
How to Install/Use?
Download the latest release from (Assets -> Unzip to your favourite location for MSFS2020 landing monitors, and start Gees.exe. You’ll see a window like this in the bottom right.
That’s it. When you start the sim the app will automatically connect and when you land, you’ll get a window on top-left.
You can start it before, or after the MSFS, it doesn’t matter.
How to Uninstall?
Delete the folder where the Gees.exe resides.
What is measured?
Descent rate at the landing in feet per minute
This is calculated by querying the aircraft distance from the ground over time, every 20ms. After a touchdown is detected, one takes the average descent rate in the last 100ms of flight.
The landing rate might differ a bit from the one in landing challenges. This is because I have no idea how Asobo calculates it, and I cannot query this value. Should be the same ballpark figure, it’s anyway arbitrary how you do it.
You cannot query only the vertical rate. This was possible in FSX where you have “flat” runways, but if the runway is sloping, this doesn’t work.
G force at the touchdown
Average G force at which the aeroplane is subjected 100ms after landing. Should be in theory related to the descent rate, undercarriage dampers and how much the passengers are nervous.
Airspeed and ground speed at the touchdown
Wind speed and direction at the touchdown
There’s a nice arrow, showing where the wind is blowing from
Sideslip at the touchdown
Did you do the proper de-crab manoeuvre or the plane is going sideways on a touchdown in the crosswind? The higher, the worse. Keep it close to 0 degrees or you might break the gear, or pop the tire (well, probably not in the sim).
Distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 License. (Whatever you do with this, keep it open source)