Rafale M v3.3
Rafale M native FSX full converts for FS2020 with autorisation of “Thor’s Hammer”, special thanks.
Resumption of all animations and graphic improvement under Blender for FS2020 compatibility.
The plane is still in development and there are still some bugs or missing animations that will be come in the future via update.
Unzip the file and paste the “Rafale M” file into your “community” folder (delete the old version).
* customizable payload (put the figure in brackets to make the item appear in the “weight and balance” tab on the tarmac, wheigh in lbs, American system)
*Modification canopy and ladder opening for multi-player visibility. see PDF
*Add multi-player acrobatic smoke effect. see PDF
*Various changes.
*HUD glass modification.
*3D pilot modification (battery activation on).
*Modifications for SU1 FS2024 compatibility.
Please note the fuel management is modified, the external tanks appear automatically when you add fuel.
FS automatically distributes fuel to all stations, it will then be necessary to adjust the stations one by one to avoid having tanks overlapping.
The fuel gauge will never indicate 100%, it depends on the configuration you have chosen.
There will always be a little fuel left in the external tanks, this is normal, below this limit, they disappear.
*Tip: Activate the “auto rudder” parameter in assistance parameters for more stability during takeoff and landing.
*Start: “battery”, “avionic”, “engines valves”, “APU-GAP”, “switch engine” left and write.
*Stop: “engines valves”
*Landing and catapulting.
*Pilot auto.
This mod is free and not to be traded or sold for cash in any form.