MSFS2024 RJTT Taxiway bridge Fix – Tokyo International Airport Haneda)v2.0
V2 update … The bumps on the taxiway have been made smoother.
MSFS2024 only.
Temporarily fixed the bumps of the bridge leading to Runway D at RJTT.
(Tokyo International Airport – Haneda, Tokyo Japan) .
Due to a modeling bug, there are transparent objects on the bridge that cannot be removed.
Also, the aircraft’s wheels float due to the modeling of this bridge.
This scenery smooths out bumps and prevents the aircraft from crashing into obstacles.
Please delete this scenery when this bug is fixed by Asobo.
This Fix Scenery places transparent ramps on top of obstacles.
When this bug is fixed by Asobo, the heights will no longer match and the ramps may become obstacles.
Copy ” RJTT-Haneda-Bridge ” folder to your Community folder.