FSX Boeing CH-47 Chinook Package
FSX Boeing CH-47 Chinook Package. Glass Vc & Analog Vc in multiple livery’s The CH-47 is a twin-engine, tandem rotor helicopter designed for transportation of cargo, troops, and weapons during day, night, visual, and instrument conditions. The aircraft fuselage is approximately 50 feet long. With a 60-foot rotor span, on each rotor system, the effective length of a CH-47 (with blades turning) is approximately 100 feet from the most forward point of the forward rotor to the most rearward point on the aft rotor. Sound:Steve Hanley Traffic Radar, Autohover:Arne Bartels .Custom nor-cal texture by Ted.T . Original by By Tom Woods and Mark Adams. Updated and tested by the Nor-Cal Prop Club for FSX. 15.1MB