FSX Danish Steam Frigate Jylland C. 1860
FSX Danish Steam Frigate Jylland from around 1860. She fought 1864 in the battle of Helgland. The ship is equiped with a 1300 hp steam engine and has a liftable propeller for sailing. Now she lies as one of the biggest wooden ships as museums ship in a dry dock at Ebeltoft at the Baltic Sea. This addon is a pilotable version with many sails and twelve additional stunsails and is almost complete rigged with hundreds of ropes. There are fourtytwo animated guns and a Navy crew of thirteen men. Twentythree cameras let you explore the whole ship: The deck, below the decks and you can enjoy the sailors views from high above in the masts. FSDS 3.5 model and configuration made by Erwin Welker