FSX/FS2004 BE-200 2 Textures Pack
2 repaints for Dennis Seeley and Massimo Taccoli’s very nice BE-200, for FS2004 or FSX versions, though the author uses the FS2004 version in FSX with no problems; as the 2004 version has a VC. The repaints are ‘what if?’ Be-200’s, but not that far fetched, as a MPA variant has been mooted, shown here in the slate finish worn by Naval aviation IL-38 ‘MAY’s’This has been a difficult color to pin down, as in some lights it is slightly blueish, and in other lights it looks greenish.The author has elected to go with the shade Pete West uses in his profiles in AIRInternational. The CONAIR marked machine is likely and unlikely. A few years back, a bunch of the Kahuna’s from Conair and BCFS went to Taganrog to look at the BE-200, though the very short TBO’s of the engines, and the expense of re-engining,westernizing and re-certifiying,this author doubts one will ever see a machine so marked.