Galway Airport, Ireland Upgrade
This is an update for Galway- EICM – airport in Ireland. FEATURES: ILS for runway 26 (FREQ. 118.500); The new turnaround at the beginning of runway 26; the extension at the end of runway 26; taxiways Bravo and Charlie; the fire training ground (taxi via Charlie); a paring spot (located where the ACTUAL fuel station is) for FUEL(I am unable to move the fuel station so this is just a parking spot called fuel); the new tarmac section with new parking altered taxi stands for the “Gates”; an Aer Arran only gate 2; helicopter parking spots to represent executive helicopters parking; a taxi line leading to the Aer Arran hanger(Hanger not included); new apron lighting; a fictional ground freq. Ajusts the airport area to resemble the real thing. The flying club parking (located at the east side of the airport)