The Lost Temple of Zumanbarah
Temple No.2 of FSAdventureSky’s Series ‘Mystery Temples of a Bygone Era’. Professor Brat Zannfried of the University of Krakow has, only a few months ago, discovered a very old and mysterious temple that relates to the Wangokir age, commonly known as the age of giants. Yesterday his crew dug out a huge shoe, a size 31!!!. The Airfield near the temple is very dangerous but much needed in order to get supplies in. The Malasyan Aeronautical Notam 5555 about it says: ‘Only pilots with a good knowledge of Pilotage and an absolute understanding of topographical maps should try flying to it. No radio aids around pilots, besides the winds are crossed most of the time. Getting in the tiny gorge where it is can be nerve crushing at best. carry extra batteries and aditional food since many who tried have not made it. The bush is heavy all around it’ end of Notam…..Enjoy the temple if you get there.