SACO Taravella Airport, Cordoba, Argentina
SACO Taravella Airport, Cordoba, Argentina. The development of this stage was necessary because FSX does not have an appropriate setting for Taravella Airport (SACO). As a first step, expanded parking area (north) for loading and aircraft maintenance. Added the two legs with movement, with which it currently has in reality. The building “Aeropuertos 2000” reality does not conform with the design for this scenario. Repositioned the control tower that was near the track header 36, and placed where it is now (on stage and in reality). Hangars were located with current account and were added for better assembly stage, where helicopters are stationed. The fire station was fixed. We performed the delineation of roads around the control and surveillance airport, and inserted the fuel service truck (fuel truck). It was tested and it work very well. Antennas were inserted for communication of Air Córdoba Center, which operate in the northwest sector of the main body of the airport, and a chapel enclave coincides with reality. It marked sleeves, antennas and water tank. It left in its way “default” height and orientation of the runway 18/36 and 05. The first, in particular, the lighting was improved in line with traffic which in reality has at present the airport, and was left unlit runway 05 as in reality shows;only, for a better view, placed runway end lights. The taxi to rwy 36 is relocated, and added the aircraft hangar where which are now extinct forest fire Province of Cordoba, and private and school use. In addition, a helipad was added in the same place where now intended for that purpose.