SOAR FAI Diamond Badge Task 500 km Distance St Raymond
Do a relaxing flight in the valley of the “Mauricie” in Quebec/Canada. This flight is Based on a real Diamond Task (made by Bruno Begin on 05/14/2013) whit a Schleicher ASW-20 Glider. The task starts at St Raymond (CSK5), for a course of 273 nautical miles. Weather (based on real) is pretty good, ceiling is approx. 6 000 ft MSL, and wind is about 5 knots. Time to complete will be around 5 hrs. Features: Chronometer timer, felicitation and encouragement by your ground team at each event, turn point, Start and finist line, message if you land out, message when Goals was acheive, Badge award at the end of the flight if you have reach all Goals requirement. for use with CumulusX Good Luck !
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