Sur America Cargo–Episode II
FSAdventureSky 1959 Flight….’CARGO RUN FROM Panama City to Bucaramanga ‘——The Coast Route of Colombia——Panama City, February 1959 This flight will leave Panama City very early in the morning making its first stop in Cartagena, Colombia. The flight starts at Tocument Airport at 5:30 AM with a full aircraft of Chiquita Bananas as well as Pineapples and Melons. Sometimes the captain will take his wife but not on this trip since the weather is not the best and the plane is quite full. After Cartagena the flight goes on to Barranquilla, where more cargo will be taken and then on to the nearby Santa Marta. After some coffee and chacala cookies on you go to Maracaibo, Venezuela. Lunch for your Co-pilot, Miss Zeri Borsilla and yourself will be served here at the company’s lunch room. You then take off to your final destination which is Bucaramanga Colombia….. Weather is so so and remember this is a long flight so do carry some music casettes for some entertainment… Since tomorrow is a free day a ‘Bonus’ scenery flight is included…just rent a plane and go have a Picnic with your Co-Pilot :):)