On To Tibet—Landing at Paro__Episode I
” Dog weather!!!!, why did I get into this!!!!! I should have stayed with my dog in Bali!!!!! a Tzunami is better than this!!!!”….words spoken by your pilot as she gets nervous and hands the plane to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…..–“What?? you cry out…now you give me the darn plane!!!!! what’s the matter with you Sonia?? you said you were going to land, woman!!!!!!!……. Yes…this is how the Mission starts as the Beechcraft begins its approach to Paro, Bhutan……………weather?, yup…..lousy as the sky of hell!!! and low down in that gully called Paro is your destination…. If you get through Episode I (not a great chance) you then fly out to the forbidden land of Tibet……….be good and Budda’s finger will be your guide…. “Hang-shi-lu-mai Tsung Tsung”, like the old master used to say ( before they had coke!!). Ching-Chu-Gui —